Power Shack and Redhawks join forces !
5 février 2009Louis-Philippe Carrier is the 1st player ever to sign up online !
11 février 2009Redhawks-hockey.com and his team are so happy to show you our new Website. You will now be able to confirm your presence with our online payment mode using Paypal or credit cards. Plus, you will be able to see tournaments results, team information and more.
For the first time, Redhawks-hockey.com offers Montreal hockey tour. It is a hockey trip to Montreal, qc for European born players only. It includes a day of practice, a small 3 on 3 tournament and an inscription at the Warrior Meltdown, a competitive summer AAA tournament. All events will include players from all over the world. This tournament will be played from May 7th to 12th 2009.